Casal de Joves Palau Alòs
Carrer de Sant Pere més Baix, 55
08003 Barcelona
Carrer de Sant Pere més Baix, 55
08003 Barcelona
Activitat en anglès. Itinerari “From the Guilds to Einstein”, dins del programa Històries de Ciència, “Rutes científiques per la ciutat de Barcelona”, impulsat per Miquel Carandell, del Centre d’Història de la Ciència de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
The neighborhood of Sant Pere and La Ribera has been closely linked to the craftsmens from almost the origin of the city itself. Of course, science and technology have played a key role in this. Come explore an unknown area for many locals through the story of their industries, their workers and scientists who have lived or have visited the quarter. What was doing Albert Einstein in 1923 in the Sant Pere Mes Baix street?
Preu de l’itinerari: 2 euros.
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