Carrer de Baldiri Reixac, 4-12 i 15
08028 Barcelona
Seminari “Scientific communication: cetting started”, a càrrec de Brian McCarthy, consultor de comunicació científica i expressió oral, i John Giba, professor d’anglès científic a la Universitayt Autònoma de Barcelona i la Universitat de Barcelona. El seminari sobre comunicació biomèdica està organitzat per l’Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona, la Fundació Dr. Antonio Esteve .
Jornada limitada a 25 assistents. Els interessats han d’enviar un mail a indicant el nom, cognoms, grup de laboratori y adreça electrònica.
Biomedical professionals require skills to communicate effectively, both when writing and when presenting their research orally. However, many do not receive specific training for this purpose.
English is the language used by the international scientific community. Although Spanish biomedical professionals channel great efforts into learning English, they often lack the specialized knowledge of the language required to communicate their science clearly.
This training seminar aims to help students to improve their scientific English. The course introduces some basic concepts underlying the oral and written communication of science and gives participants the opportunity to put theory into practice in a relaxed open discussion and feedback session. Finally, it introduces tools and tips for the student once the course has finished.
The workshop is limited to 25 participants. Acceptance on the seminar will be on a first-registered basis. To register, please send an e-mail to by 21 January indicating the following: name, surname, laboratory group, and e-mail address. You will receive a confirmation e-mail if your registration is successful.
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